Bach Spirit Decanter 750ml


New product

Bach Spirit Decanter 750ml

Ideal for storing liqueurs, pots or other spirits.

AUD $30.99 tax incl.

AUD $59.95 tax incl.

-AUD $28.96


Bach Spirit Decanter 750ml

Ideal for storing liqueurs, pots or other spirits.

One spirit decanter, 700ml capacity.

Vintage design with a classic faceted cut and timeless look.

Transparency & brilliance for over 4,000 industrial washing cycles.

SON.hyx® ultra-clear glass that will remain sparkling after 4000 industrial dishwasher cycles.

Eco-friendly lead-free crystal, manufactured with low emission levels of CO2.

Luigi Bormioli, made in Italy since 1946.

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Bach Spirit Decanter 750ml

Bach Spirit Decanter 750ml

Bach Spirit Decanter 750ml

Ideal for storing liqueurs, pots or other spirits.

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